Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Times are not good.

I'm sad to report that my world has darkened quite a bit since my last blog entry. Where do I begin? LOL. I had had car wreck where someone slammed into the back of me. I was not hurt but the car is no more. :( Because of the credit/housing crisis in the U.S. I am now on two expensive payment plans for back taxes. Property taxes and back state taxes. Ouch! Things are grim this Fall and its not expected to get any better until mid 2008.

I'm still trying to wring a fair settlement out of the other driver's insurance company. I'm only asking that all my towing and storage bills are paid and whatever the blue book value of my car was. I am going to pay half of my property tax bill with any of that money. Wish me luck for this fall. Money is going to be tight. :( I think the quote from my August post sure fits my sittuation now. Hahahahaha.