Thursday, June 02, 2005

My thoughts on Deep Throat.

As you all must know by now the shadowy figure who helped Woodward and Bernstien during Watergate has come forward. His name is Mark Felt. He was the #2 man at the FBI at the time.

My view is that Mr. Felt was and is an American patriot and a hero. Why? Because as an FBI agent he swore to uphold the "laws" and the "Constitution" of the United States. By helping to unravel the crimes of the Nixon Administration he upheld his oath of duty to us all. We should thank him for it!

Nixon and some of his men obstructed justice and broke not only the oaths of office they took but also laws of the country they were put in charge of. Period! There is no maybe about it. Its people like Mark Felt that make me feel that this country can endure anything. Even someone as parinoid and underhanded as Richard Nixon.

If only Hunter S. Thompson had lived just a little longer to see this. LOL He would have had MUCH to say!!! Pat Buchanan and others calling Felt wrong are just upset that Nixoian dirty deeds were discovered and punnished. Hahaha! Punks! The good guys win. I love it! God Bless the United Staes Of America and one good G-Man on the job for us 30 years ago. :)

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