Thursday, October 30, 2008


In a very conservative area some Islamic dude named Akhtar Sadiq is running for a State Senate seat. Hello?! You have an Islamic name! In a white, upper income area of North Fulton County this guy does not stand a chance in Bagdad of winning that seat on November 4th. They just will not vote for him because of the Islamic name. Whenever a voter sees a name like Akhtar Sadiq they think "terrorist" who wants a seat in our government. I'm not hating on Mr. Sadiq or any other Islam believers. I just do not think he stands a chance of winning.

My prediction for "Freaky Sadiqy" will be that the other candidate gets 70% of the vote VS Sadiq getting 30%. It could be worse though. Its not going to be pretty whatever the numbers. LOL.

I will post the results on election night. Hahahaha.

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